Gill Teward, a Sales Negotiator at our Bishop Auckland office, has recently undertaken her first Market Appraisal appointments, having undergone extensive Valuer training. She has been accompanying Sue Stephenson, the office Manager Valuer and various Valuers from other JW Wood offices on appointments, to gain experience of the varying requirements of potential vendors.
She has also been studying the legal requirements of compiling property details, paying close attention to the Consumer Protection Regulations 2008, also measuring properties correctly and creating floorplans for every property.
Gill has studied the best way to photograph each property using a high quality camera and tripod to produce the most appealing images for the marketing of our properties on brochures and on the Internet.
“I didn’t realise until I began going out with the Valuers exactly how demanding, varied and interesting the job could be” said Gill. “I appreciate the demands of the job more now, having learned to use modern digital technology to aid the process, but most importantly it has shown me how important it is to engage with your customers, find out their plans and to help them achieve the best possible price for their property in a challenging market”.
To something like “Gill has coped very well in her first solo appointments, and has been well received by our customers” said Sue. “She has a great future ahead of her”.