Preparing your home to sell doesn’t have to cost a lot. Simple quick fixes can boost interest in your home and potentially the price. The Guild of Professional Estate Agents advises us on the little improvements that shouldn’t be forgotten.
If a clean and tidy house can add up to £5,000 to the asking price [HousetoHome], think of what a few home improvements can do. Get the ball rolling by making a list of everything in the house that is defective, broken or worn out. If potential buyers spot a problem, they might wonder what else is faulty.
A lick of paint can do wonders for a room and new, simple light shades with brighter bulbs can give the illusion that a home is bigger than it is.
Patching up cracks in the walls and ceilings are a quick DIY job that can make a big difference for those viewing your property. Replacing worn out carpets and curtains for something neutral and clean will also give a great first impression for potential buyers.
Appliances and electronics should be checked over by a specialist to ensure that all are in correct working order. This includes the boiler, light fixtures, ceiling fans, taps, radiators and plug sockets. This will also ensure buyers won’t have extra costs.
If you have some extra cash to spend, make bigger improvements in the bathroom or kitchen, as they are the rooms that can make or break a decision to put an offer on the house. It is important to weigh up the cost of improvements against the value of the house before repairs and upgrades are made.
These changes can be effective, however, it is important to keep in mind that the new owners may have different taste to your own, so don’t go overboard on an expensive renovation. Keep it simple but neat.