Regulator Ofgem has revealed a 54 per cent increase in energy bills, and as energy prices continue to soar we will need to come up with smart ways to save on heating and electricity.
Energy regulator Ofgem has announced that bills will be rising from the beginning of April. The news comes alongside an announcement of a new energy price gap, which is the maximum amount energy suppliers can charge for a typical house in the UK.
As many Brits feel the squeeze from the cost of living crisis, the energy bill increase will push homeowners to save as much energy as they can to keep costs down. The new cap will apply from April 1 to September 30 and will see bills jump by a staggering 54 per cent. here are five simple tips you can use to keep your energy bills as low as possible.
- Avoid overfilling the kettle
- Turn your appliances off standby mode
- Use your washing machine on a 30-degree cycle
- Avoid using a tumble dryer
- Run your dishwasher only when it’s full
- Install a smart thermostat
- Buy efficient appliances
- Install a new boiler
- Invest in double glazing
- Draught-proof your property
- Insulate the roof
- Monitor your usage