Unlock your land’s potential

by James Powell

Unlock your land’s potential

Last month, The Prime minister stated in her speech on the doorstep of 10 Downing Street, that she "cannot bring about the kind of society I want to see, unless we tackle one of the biggest barriers to social mobility we face today - the lack of affordable housing.”

With this in mind, the need for developable sites has never been greater. At present, JW Wood have a number of developers on our database who have informed us that they are waiting for sites to come available in order that they can do their part in delivering the prime ministers desire of building 300,000 new homes every year by 2020. Developable sites of any size and state are of interest - with or without planning permission, whether they are green field sites, brown field sites, dilapidated buildings that need to be demolished – your property may be worth more than you imagine.

If you would like further information on what JW Wood’s Land and New Homes Department, then please get in touch on 0191 3791060

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