Professional Property Valuation

Valuation Reports for Freehold & Leasehold

JW Wood Surveyors have been providing clients with detailed valuations for over 50 years. We can offer you expert advice on all types of survey valuation for both commercial and residential properties, including advice on lease extensions, probate, matrimonial, expert witness and equity purchase valuations.

We mainly work with clients across the North East of England, however, we can travel further afield to undertake valuations for specific jobs.

Please call us on 0191 383 0369 to request a quote or make an enquiry.

Probate Valuations

When someone passes away, one of the first steps of the probate process is to value their estate. JW Wood Surveyors can provide property and land valuations as part of this process.

Advice on matrimonial valuations

When a relationship comes to an end, there may be important financial issues to resolve, including the property you shared with your partner. To protect your interests we recommend using a qualified surveyor to prepare an independent valuation of your property.

As members of RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) we provide accurate market value matrimonial valuations following the guidelines RICS puts in place.

Equity purchase valuations and advice

We are able to undertake a valuation of residential properties which are in shared ownership. Sometimes referred to as ‘staircasing’, this is the process of buying some, or all, of the remaining share of the property.

Expert witness valuations

Expert Witness Valuations are generally provided to solicitors engaged in a legal dispute where the value of a property or land, is required. Disputes of this nature are increasingly resolved by mediation; however advice to the court can also be required. JW Wood Surveyors can either be instructed by one of the parties or as a single joint expert.

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