Which green features do homes with high EPC ratings have?
A recent overview of high-rated homes listed for sale on a popular property portal, found many shared these attributes...
Articles filed in the News category
A recent overview of high-rated homes listed for sale on a popular property portal, found many shared these attributes...
As it currently stands, private landlords must install a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm in all rooms that have a solid fuel-burning appliance, such as a coal fire or wood-burning stove.
In a recent speech, Boris Johnson committed to helping first-time buyers overcome the hurdles faced when securing their first property. As it stands now, the biggest issues first-time buyers face are the strict mortgage lending restrictions, the need for a high deposit, and rising house prices.
Over the last two years, the Durham property market has been a rollercoaster ride of hyperactive demand together with the new sport of getting your offer accepted when you compete with 30 other bidders.
Durham needs 165 additional private rented properties per year to keep up with current and future demand from Durham tenants.
With the newspapers full of news about the death of homeownership and the growth in Generation Rent, it must surprise many (as it did with us) that the number of homeowners in Durham has grown
A recent report by the Social Market Foundation (SMF) has revealed tenants’ top priorities when choosing a home.* The results may help landlords make the most out of their properties while providing a valuable service for the wider community.
When it comes to selling a property, the small details can make all the difference. While it's easy to spend a lot of money staging your property for showings, you don't have to do so to make it look new.
You may or may not have already had a recent valuation of your current home, and you are actively looking on Rightmove or OnTheMarket but every time you see something, you ring up the selling agent and hear "it's already sold".
Purchasing your first home is an exciting and potentially daunting concept. Making an offer may be especially nerve-wracking if this is your first time. Here are our tips to help you make a successful offer on your first home.
Demand levels this spring are currently 34% higher than this time last year, making now one of the best times to buy or sell a property!*
Minimalism is more than just a form of decoration; it's a way of life.
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